
Start-up Advice

All to often the appointment of the advisor is after the event. There are options to consider when deciding to set up in business. Should it be self employed or a company. Should you register for VAT.

Aside from the tax considerations what is the risk factor, in the unlikely event of business failure you would be personally liable for the debts of the business if it is carried on as self-employment.

It is far easier and less stressful to set up the correct trading medium at the commencement of the business.

Ongoing Advice

Because we deal with the preparation of your accounts and tax returns, we can suggest legitimate ways to reduce the tax liability. We do not advise on the use of elaborate tax avoidance schemes which could be challenged by HMRC.

Dealing with HMRC

As your appointed tax agent, we can deal with HMRC direct on your behalf.


Our software allows us to prepare accounts and tax returns within the required time limit and in accordance with all statutory requirements.